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 Пими ® » Monthly Love Horoscope

Monthly Love Horoscope [125] Monthly Horoscope [12]

Virgo Love February 2011

There's good news for you this month. The source is Venus, the planet of love, which is entering your 5th House of Romance on February 3. This is excellent for showing the most desirable and delightful parts of yourself. Venus, though, is in earthy Capricorn, so you'll be rewarded for being strong and clear about your desires and when you take the lead in social matters. Planning helps a great deal as you'll feel more secure when you know what you're going after and how you're going to do it.

Going too far is a possibility on February 6 when Venus forms a tense 90-degree square with expansive Jupiter. Stretching yourself with more open personal expression and generosity is a plus as long as you don't go too far or overestimate someone. On February 9 and 18 Venus runs into controlling Pluto and Saturn, a tough pair of planets that can test your resolve.

The Venus-Pluto connection on February 9 can stir up unreasonable passion but also trigger mistrust and power struggles. Venus' connection with Saturn on February 18 could require you to set limits with someone who isn't giving you the respect you deserve. But that's also the day when the warming Sun enters sweet Pisces and your 7th House of Partnership, inviting kinder connections in the days to come.

: Monthly Love Horoscope (28.01.2011)
R: 1333

Monthly Horoscope | Horoscopes | Chinese Horoscopes | Music | Business, Careers (2) (3) (4) (5) | Colleges | Cosmetics | Business, Careers /// College, Universities / Business /// Business / College, Universities, Careers / Films, Movies / Cosmetics /// Business / Cosmetics / College /// Business / College / Top Movies / Tatuajes /// College / Cosmetics / GSM / Business /// Cosmetics / College, Universities / Hard Dance / Business /// Business / College, Universities / Tehno / House Mix / Massage Music /// College, Universities / Business / Tokio Hotel /// College, Universities / Business / Enigmatic Hits / Super Driving Hits /// College, Universities / Business / Buddha Bar / Links /// New / Cosmetics / Music / College /// New / College / Monthly Horoscope / Monthly Chinese Horoscope / Monthly Love Horoscope / SurpriseSurprise2

Контакт          Сряда       18.12.2024, 18:56