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 Пими ® » Monthly Love Horoscope

Monthly Love Horoscope [125] Monthly Horoscope [12]

Taurus Love March 2011

Letting go of old ideas about relationships isn't easy but if you don't loosen up a little now, love may feel further away. Venus, the alluring ruler of your sign, enters unconventional Aquarius on March 1 and will bring ripples of change until March 26. Aquarius is quirky, inventive and experimental, which requires a more open-minded attitude about partnerships. Whether you're single and looking or in a committed union, the more tightly you hold onto the past the more difficult the present will be.

Take a deep breath, Taurus, now shake your hands and feet to tell your body to help you become more flexible. Your ability to adjust to surprises and adapt to unusual people and ideas are keys to the quality of connections you'll have in March. Sure, you might feel like you're being to pushed to the edge of discomfort with a partner who wants to try some different things. And it may be challenging to feel at ease with new people who seem stranger than usual. It's tempting to find your most comfortable place and stay there until the weirdness blows over.

Yet if you can be an experimental Bull, you might get some emotional fresh air that helps you put the past behind you. The price to pay is to give up some control including the certainty of your beliefs. Tastes can shift, allowing you to play with different ways of connecting and having fun if you'll give it a chance.

: Monthly Love Horoscope (28.02.2011)
R: 954

Monthly Horoscope | Horoscopes | Chinese Horoscopes | Music | Business, Careers (2) (3) (4) (5) | Colleges | Cosmetics | Business, Careers /// College, Universities / Business /// Business / College, Universities, Careers / Films, Movies / Cosmetics /// Business / Cosmetics / College /// Business / College / Top Movies / Tatuajes /// College / Cosmetics / GSM / Business /// Cosmetics / College, Universities / Hard Dance / Business /// Business / College, Universities / Tehno / House Mix / Massage Music /// College, Universities / Business / Tokio Hotel /// College, Universities / Business / Enigmatic Hits / Super Driving Hits /// College, Universities / Business / Buddha Bar / Links /// New / Cosmetics / Music / College /// New / College / Monthly Horoscope / Monthly Chinese Horoscope / Monthly Love Horoscope / SurpriseSurprise2

Контакт          Сряда       18.12.2024, 20:42