Romantic Venus starts the month in your 7th House of Partnerships,
which is likely to intensify your personal life. She's in emotionally
powerful Scorpio, a sign that's both attractive and threatening to you.
Obsession can keep you interested in a difficult or demanding person but
it can also be why someone else won't let you go. This is not a time
when you can play it cool or keep things calm when it comes to love.
Either you go all in with heart, body and soul -- or you might be wise
to back away for a while.
On January 7 Venus enters enthusiastic Sagittarius and your 8th House
of Intimacy. The closeness associated with this house contrasts with
the spaciousness of Sagittarius. This means that relationships are
becoming riskier and that you've got to take some chances to stay in the
game. Partners or potential partners with experiences and expectations
very different than yours can be exciting but challenging. You're not
going to be able to stay in your comfort zone if you want to be close
with someone now. This can put you on an emotional roller coaster, which
is not your idea of fun. But you can also blast through your old habits
that limit how profoundly you can connect with another person.
The Full Moon in sensitive Cancer falls in your 3rd House of
Communication on January 19. If you haven't been expressing your
feelings, this can expose secrets that can clear the air or bring an
issue to a head.