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 Пими ® » Monthly Love Horoscope

Monthly Love Horoscope [125] Monthly Horoscope [12]

Sagittarius Love December 2010

If you're not enthusiastic about life this month you might consider taking more vitamins. The energizing Sun is in your outgoing sign until December 21, which can put you in the spotlight where you get to shine. Coming on too strong is better than playing it safe under these conditions. In fact, passionate Mars is also in Sagittarius until December 7 to intensify your desires and increase your willingness to take chances. Sure, you may be too direct for some delicate souls but this isn't a time to play it safe. Respecting others' limits is fine as long as you don't stifle your desire to play hard and play often now. Still, you might be somewhat impulsive under these astrological conditions and leap into a relationship or situation without thinking it through.

Cerebral Mercury will be retrograde from December 10 - 29, increasing the likelihood for miscommunication and misunderstanding. If you have something important to say, make sure that the person listening really gets it. And if you have the slightest doubt about what someone else has said, double check and ask to avoid complications. It's also wise to limit yourself when it comes to promises about the future. Living large in the present perfect now as long as it doesn't lead to exaggerated expectations about where things will go. When the Sun enters serious Capricorn on December 21 you'll have plenty of time to take a more careful measure of your level of interest and with whom you want to invest your energy.

: Monthly Love Horoscope (01.12.2010)
R: 1344

Monthly Horoscope | Horoscopes | Chinese Horoscopes | Music | Business, Careers (2) (3) (4) (5) | Colleges | Cosmetics | Business, Careers /// College, Universities / Business /// Business / College, Universities, Careers / Films, Movies / Cosmetics /// Business / Cosmetics / College /// Business / College / Top Movies / Tatuajes /// College / Cosmetics / GSM / Business /// Cosmetics / College, Universities / Hard Dance / Business /// Business / College, Universities / Tehno / House Mix / Massage Music /// College, Universities / Business / Tokio Hotel /// College, Universities / Business / Enigmatic Hits / Super Driving Hits /// College, Universities / Business / Buddha Bar / Links /// New / Cosmetics / Music / College /// New / College / Monthly Horoscope / Monthly Chinese Horoscope / Monthly Love Horoscope / SurpriseSurprise2

Контакт          Сряда       18.12.2024, 16:06