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 Пими ® » Monthly Love Horoscope

Monthly Love Horoscope [125] Monthly Horoscope [12]

Libra Love March 2011

Your desire to be fair with people sometimes puts you in situations where you're not fair to yourself. Being kind and generous is wonderful, Leeb, but your tendency to give more than you get can be stronger than usual this month. The reason is the Sun's transit in your 6th House of Service lasting until March 20. This is the part of the chart where we're willing to make sacrifices and often provide background support while someone else gets the glory. Helping your partner is, of course, the way a relationship should be, but if you give too much now, you may resent it later. Remember, that a truly loving ally will not let you undersell yourself or settle for an inferior position in a partnership. The Sun and Mars are both in Pisces, a sign that can easily allow circumstances to take over individual will. This underscores the importance of making sure that you're treated fairly and the only guarantee of that is based on the decisions you make.

The Sun leaves the 6th house and enters your 7th House of Relationships on March 20, which can quickly alter your feelings. You're ready to stand up for yourself now and need to since anyone you attract is likely to be more aggressive at this time. That's fine if you're able to pick up the pace and match the intensity coming at you. Spicing up your current alliance with a feistier attitude or being attracted to bolder people comes when you're less willing to be the first one to compromise.

: Monthly Love Horoscope (27.02.2011)
R: 914

Monthly Horoscope | Horoscopes | Chinese Horoscopes | Music | Business, Careers (2) (3) (4) (5) | Colleges | Cosmetics | Business, Careers /// College, Universities / Business /// Business / College, Universities, Careers / Films, Movies / Cosmetics /// Business / Cosmetics / College /// Business / College / Top Movies / Tatuajes /// College / Cosmetics / GSM / Business /// Cosmetics / College, Universities / Hard Dance / Business /// Business / College, Universities / Tehno / House Mix / Massage Music /// College, Universities / Business / Tokio Hotel /// College, Universities / Business / Enigmatic Hits / Super Driving Hits /// College, Universities / Business / Buddha Bar / Links /// New / Cosmetics / Music / College /// New / College / Monthly Horoscope / Monthly Chinese Horoscope / Monthly Love Horoscope / SurpriseSurprise2

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