The New Moon on January 4 is a Solar Eclipse in responsible Capricorn
and your 4th House of Home and Family. This could kick up some conflict
in your household or stir feelings of guilt or responsibility. It's
important, though, to recognize that you cannot be held accountable for
both sides in a relationship.
While you may have lessons to learn and need to develop a bit more
discipline in your personal life, it's important that any partner or
potential partner is willing to act with reason and maturity. If these
factors are missing in someone, he or she has to change or your
connection will weaken. But this is also a reminder that the closest you
can come to a guarantee of happiness is to be somewhat more
self-reliant. Nope, this isn't about giving up on relationships but
strengthening your position with confidence that makes you less
dependent on others. The less you need someone the more likely you are
to have a fulfilling partnership.
Friends and groups may play an important role in your personal life
when your attractive ruling planet Venus enters your 11th House on
January 7 of Teamwork. Colleagues and pals can be keys to meeting
someone new and sharing in a collaborative project could strengthen a
current alliance or lead to a fresh one. When you're able to put your
heart into a cause in which you believe you become more appealing to