Taking every moment as it comes is a great way to reduce frustration
and increase your opportunities for pleasure this month. The planet
that's provoking this pattern is aggressive and passionate Mars, which
enters impatient Aries and your 3rd House of Immediate Environment on
April 1. This energetic transit could turn a routine outing in the
neighborhood into an exciting opportunity to connect with someone new.
But feisty Mars in this communicative house can also trigger verbal
conflicts more frequently than usual.
This can happen more readily, as well, because verbal Mercury is
moving backwards (retrograde) in this chatty part of your chart until
April 23. Your capacity to think quickly doesn't mean that you should
share what's on your mind without carefully considering the impact of
your words. Mercury's shift to forward motion on April 23 should help
get communications back on track.
Even better is that loving Venus races into Aries on April 20 and
joins your innovative ruling planet Uranus on April 22. This is bound to
revive your enthusiasm about relationships. A sudden shift of attitude,
a change of styles or an unexpectedly delightful event demonstrates
that there are always new possibilities to enjoy yourself and bring more
love into your life.